Reality Winner (2021)
Trailer movie Reality Winner
Cast of movie Reality Winner
Actors: Natalia Dyer, Reality Winner, Billie Winner-Davis, Brittany Winner, Gary Davis, Betsy Reed, Edward Snowden, John Kiriakou, Thomas Drake, James Risen, Keith Golden, Wendy Collins (More actors) , Victor Braschnewitz, Terry Feely, Paul Pillsbury, Maren Poitras
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Review movie Reality Winner
The tale of 25-year-old Reality Winner, who revealed a document regarding Russian election meddling to the press, is one of concealed information and a relentless pursuit of informants. As a result, she became the most sought-after leak source of the Trump administration.
Original language: english
Awards: 2 nominations.
Production company: Fork Films, Chicken & Egg Pictures, Codebreaker Films
Gallery movie Reality Winner
Characters movie Reality Winner
Selected characters in the movie Reality Winner.
Natalia Dyer
played the female character of Reality Winner (voice)
Reality Winner
played the female character of Self
Billie Winner-Davis
played character of Self
Brittany Winner
played character of Self
Gary Davis
played character of Self
Betsy Reed
played character of Self
Edward Snowden
played the male character of Self
John Kiriakou
played character of Self
Thomas Drake
played character of Self
James Risen
played character of Self
Keith Golden
played character of Self
Wendy Collins
played character of Self
Victor Braschnewitz
played character of FBI Special Agent Justin Garrick
Terry Feely
played character of FBI Special Agent R. Wallace Taylor
Paul Pillsbury
played the male character of Unknown Male
Maren Poitras
played character of Reality Winner - Recreation
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