Goodbye Bafana (2007)
Trailer movie Goodbye Bafana
Cast of movie Goodbye Bafana
Script: Bille August, Bob Graham, James Gregory
Novel: Bob Graham, James Gregory
Actors: Joseph Fiennes, Dennis Haysbert, Diane Kruger, Shiloh Henderson, Patrick Lyster
Review movie Goodbye Bafana
This is an authentic tale about a white supremacist from South Africa who underwent a significant transformation due to the influence of the black inmate he watched over for two decades, named Nelson Mandela.
Country: Germany, France, Belgium, South Africa, Italy, United Kingdom, Luxembourg Original language: english, xhosa
Awards: 7 wins & 6 nominations.
Production company: Film Afrika Worldwide
Budget for movie Goodbye Bafana reached 30 000 000
Gallery movie Goodbye Bafana
Characters movie Goodbye Bafana
Selected characters in the movie Goodbye Bafana.
Joseph Fiennes
played the male character of James Gregory
Dennis Haysbert
played the male character of Nelson Mandela
Diane Kruger
played the female character of Gloria Gregory
Shiloh Henderson
played character of Brett Gregory
Patrick Lyster
played the male character of Major Pieter Jordaan
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