Infinity. The Universe of Luigi Ghirri (2022)
Original: Infinito. L'universo di Luigi Ghirri
Cast of movie Infinity. The Universe of Luigi Ghirri
Script: Matteo Parisini
Actors: Stefano Accorsi, Massimo Zamboni, ilaria ghirri, Luigi Ghirri
Review movie Infinity. The Universe of Luigi Ghirri
In this emotive depiction of Luigi Ghirri (1943-1992), a frontrunner of modern photography, the director permits the protagonist to communicate chiefly through visuals. The photographer guides the viewers through a journey around the margins of everyday existence as observed through his peripheral vision, the area that bridges the gap between what is fabricated and genuine or vast and minuscule – the intermediate scale.
Country: Italy Original language: italian
Production company: Ladoc
Gallery movie Infinity. The Universe of Luigi Ghirri
Characters movie Infinity. The Universe of Luigi Ghirri
Selected characters in the movie Infinity. The Universe of Luigi Ghirri.
Stefano Accorsi
played the male character of Narratore
Massimo Zamboni
played the male character of Se stesso
ilaria ghirri
played character of Se stessa
Luigi Ghirri
played character of Se stesso (filmati d'archivio)
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