
Love on the Reef (2023)

90 min movietv movie, comedy, romance

Trailer movie Love on the Reef

Cast of movie Love on the Reef

Director: Demi Castro, Alejandro Contreras
Script: Ansley Gordon
Actors: Ansley Gordon, Marc Herrmann, Jennifer Bonner, John Hardy, Andrea Conte, Jovon Jacobs, Susan Dean, Terrance Murphy, Miranda Roldán, Lauren Madigan

Review movie Love on the Reef

A clever, dedicated marine biologist and a carefree, jovial dive tutor must collaborate to prevent the reef they cherish from destruction before time runs out.

Country: United States  Original language: english
Production company: Sunshine Films, Reel One Entertainment
Web: reeloneent.com

Gallery movie Love on the Reef

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Love on the Reef
Love on the Reef

Love on the Reef

Characters movie Love on the Reef

Selected characters in the movie Love on the Reef.

Ansley GordonAnsley Gordon
played the female character of Dr. Isla Waters

Marc HerrmannMarc Herrmann
played the male character of Liam Smith

Jennifer BonnerJennifer Bonner
played the female character of Brooke Waters

John HardyJohn Hardy
played character of Hank Waters

Andrea ConteAndrea Conte
played the female character of Mayor Marsha Wade

Jovon JacobsJovon Jacobs
played the male character of Charlie

Susan DeanSusan Dean
played the female character of Dr. Lynn Maris

Terrance MurphyTerrance Murphy
played the male character of Kevin Smith

Miranda RoldánMiranda Roldán
played the female character of Connie Jones

Lauren MadiganLauren Madigan
played the female character of Lana Smith

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