Puss in Boots (1988)
Trailer movie Puss in Boots
Cast of movie Puss in Boots
Script: Charles Perrault, Carole Lucia Satrina
Actors: Christopher Walken, Jason Connery, Carmela Marner, Yossi Graber, Amnon Meskin, Elki Jacobs, Michael Schneider
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Review movie Puss in Boots
A cat, who is the pet of an impoverished miller's son, concocts an elaborate strategy to elevate his master's social status, bestow him with wealth, and pave the way for a marriage. The cat commences his scheme, utilizing a few birds and rabbits as presents for the king, his own cunning intellect, and a pair of boots that make him seem humanlike when he wears them. Surprisingly, his master isn't aware that the cat has introduced him as a noble marquis rather than a common miller's son until the king comes to visit him. Soon after, the king's daughter and the miller's son develop romantic feelings for each other, and the king is keen to view the affluent "marquis's" estate and fortress.
Country: United States Original language: english
Production company: Cannon Group, Golan-Globus Productions
Gallery movie Puss in Boots
Characters movie Puss in Boots
Selected characters in the movie Puss in Boots.
Christopher Walken
played the male character of Puss
Jason Connery
played the male character of Corin
Carmela Marner
played the female character of Princess Vera
Yossi Graber
played the male character of King
Amnon Meskin
played character of Ogre
Elki Jacobs
played character of Lady Clara
Michael Schneider
played character of Walpole
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animation, adventure, family
animation, family
family, music, animation, drama, comedy
family, adventure, animation, romance
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