
Waiter! (2016)
Original: Garçon!

15 min moviecomedy

Cast of movie Waiter!

Director: Olivier Lallart
Script: Jean-Luc Ettori, Olivier Lallart
Actors: Bastien Ughetto, Dominique Thomas

Review movie Waiter!

Mathieu, a server at the Abbaye's restaurant, is poised to deal with the most difficult customer he has ever served.

Country: France  Original language: french
Awards: 2 wins & 3 nominations.
Production company: Bagan Films, Sixtine
Web: www.olivierlallart.com

Characters movie Waiter!

Selected characters in the movie Waiter!.

Bastien UghettoBastien Ughetto
played the male character of Waiter

Dominique ThomasDominique Thomas
played the male character of Customer

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