
Devastación (2016)

92 min moviehorror

Trailer movie Devastación

Cast of movie Devastación

Director: Abraham Sánchez
Script: Abraham Sánchez
Actors: Ana Riojas, Ángel Norzagaray, Abel Ortega, Gisela Madrigal

Review movie Devastación

In a city ravaged by an epidemic that reanimates the dead, who in turn spread the disease through bites, the city has been severed and distanced from the global community. A survivor, believed to be resistant to the infection, plans to flee the treacherous remnants of this post-apocalyptic society which has adapted to live alongside these terrifying creatures in uniquely disturbing ways.

Country: Mexico  Original language: spanish
Production company:

Characters movie Devastación

Selected characters in the movie Devastación.

Ana Riojas
played the female character of Sara

Ángel Norzagaray
played character of

Abel Ortega
played character of

Gisela Madrigal
played character of

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