Lina (2016)
Cast of movie Lina
Script: Jan Poldervaart
Actors: Rabea Egg, Fabian Krüger, Manuela Biedermann, Vilmar Bieri, Elisabeth Niederer
Review movie Lina
The movie transports us to a not too distant past that has been overlooked in history, a time when numerous women, similar to Lina, were compelled to surrender to prejudiced and narrow-minded powers. Lina, the casualty of a restrictive confinement designed to reform her, following her alleged "corrupt conduct," finds herself totally forsaken, bewildered, and degraded. In the present day, at the age of 60, for the first instance in her life, our courageous lead character is finally able to openly discuss her past, liberating herself from a load that has jeopardized her entire existence.
Country: Switzerland Original language: german
Awards: 1 win & 1 nomination.
Production company:
Characters movie Lina
Selected characters in the movie Lina.
Rabea Egg
played the female character of Lina
Fabian Krüger
played the male character of Daniel
Manuela Biedermann
played the female character of Frau Ammann Wärterin
Vilmar Bieri
played the male character of Gefängnisdirektor Huber
Elisabeth Niederer
played the female character of Lina Trachsler, erwachsen
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