
Saturn (2024)

100 min moviescience fiction

Cast of movie Saturn

Review movie Saturn

When an enigmatic celestial body surfaces in the heavens, a young dad is torn between his cherished life and a timeless plea to rescue the planet.

Country: United States  Original language: english
Production company: Mew Films
Web: www.saturnmovie.com

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Characters movie Saturn

Selected characters in the movie Saturn.

Dominic Bogart
played the male character of James Lewis

Piercey Dalton
played the female character of Sarah Lewis

Marc Rissmann
played the male character of Titan

Elijah Maximus
played character of George Lewis

Jonathan Stoddard
played the male character of Mysterious Man

Marimar Vega
played the female character of Nibiru

Matt Angel
played the male character of Mark

Elizabeth Grullón
played the female character of Selene

Olivia Sui
played the female character of Samantha

Christopher Morson
played character of Brian

Robyn Cohen
played the female character of Dr. Tracy Weiland

Maya Tuttle
played the female character of TV Reporter (voice)

Keaton Talmadge
played character of Radio Anchor (voice)

Bob Barnes
played character of TV Anchor (voice)

Josh Kibbey
played character of Man in Store

Raymond Power
played character of Man in Store

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