
Aus dem Leben (2024)

89 min moviedrama, tv movie

Cast of movie Aus dem Leben

Review movie Aus dem Leben

Sabine Schuster, a primary school teacher, unexpectedly experiences a stroke during a play rehearsal with her students. She is rushed to the hospital where her life is saved, but her journey to recovery is challenging and unpredictable. Her husband Stefan, who works as a forester, also finds his life completely changed. As Sabine works tirelessly in rehab to regain basic skills such as walking and speaking, Stefan remodels their home in Ilmenau, Thuringia, to accommodate Sabine's requirements, with the hope that familiar environment will aid her recovery. However, Sabine initially resists all efforts to help her improve due to disappointment over her condition and isolates herself out of embarrassment. She longs for her previous life as a teacher and her hiking trips. Feeling lost in the complex healthcare system, Sabine’s life takes a turn when Stefan hires a new nurse, Iryna. Iryna brings a ray of hope with her optimistic and assertive approach.

Original language: german
Production company: Warner Bros. International Television Production Germany, MDR, ORF

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Aus dem Leben

Aus dem Leben

Characters movie Aus dem Leben

Selected characters in the movie Aus dem Leben.

Ann-Kathrin Kramer
played the female character of Sabine Schuster

Harald Krassnitzer
played the male character of Stefan Schuster

Leonie Brill
played the female character of Annika Schuster

Christian Erdmann
played the male character of Paul Breternitz

Irina Potapenko
played the female character of Iryna Melnik

Ron Helbig
played character of Jan Wandsleb

Julia Koch
played the female character of Anna

Liza Tzschirner
played the female character of Dr. Eva Schulz-Döschnitz

Svenja Niekerken
played the female character of Dr. Clementine Möbius

Franziska Arndt
played the female character of Nurse Jenny

Makke Schneider
played character of Mr. Sachs (Speech Therapist)

Nadja Zwanziger
played the female character of Heidi Wegener

Florentin Eikelmann
played character of Carer Matthias

Eliah Lade
played character of

Peter Rauch
played the male character of Mr. Zander

Kristof Dirkes
played character of

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