
Erlinda Cortes

Birthday: January 05th 1924
Death: September 08th 2015
Birthplace: San Pablo City, Laguna, Philippines
(actors born on January 05th)

Actress Erlinda Cortes is most famous for roles in movie American Guerrilla in the Philippines.

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Erlinda Cortes was born in San Pablo City, Laguna, Philippines on January 05th 1924, so he/she was born under the sign of . Whether it had an effect on the actor's film and series career is a question, but it is certain that acting is a demanding career that needs a lot of diligence and also a little luck. How many Erlinda Cortes movies and series have you seen? You can quickly find it in the Movies and TV shows lists below. And finally, you can explore which other actor or actress also has a birthday today.

Filmography and biography of the artist named Erlinda Cortes. Actress from many movies and series worth seeing.

Movies Erlinda Cortes

Walang Hanggan May Isang Tsuper Ng Taksicharacter Elvira Tinig Ng Tagumpay Ang Bagong Maestra
Romeo at Julieta Sigfredocharacter Krimhilda
The Spell American Guerrilla in the Philippines His Darkest Hour
He Promised to ReturnBeasts of the East
Dalawang Anino Hagibis
Angelus Tagumpay

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