
Hans Cossy

Birthday: October 04th 1911
Death: July 31st 1972
Birthplace: Cologne, Germany
(actors born on October 04th)

Actor Hans Cossy is most famous for roles in movies The Haunted Castle and Alraune as Mathieu. Also starred in tv show Das Kriminalmuseum.

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Hans Cossy was born in Cologne, Germany on October 04th 1911, so he/she was born under the sign of Libra. Whether it had an effect on the actor's film and series career is a question, but it is certain that acting is a demanding career that needs a lot of diligence and also a little luck. How many Hans Cossy movies and series have you seen? You can quickly find it in the Movies and TV shows lists below. And finally, you can explore which other actor or actress also has a birthday today.

Hans Cossy was born under the sign of Libra (September 23 – October 23)

People born under the Libra sign are extroverts who make others comfortable. That is to say, they are exciting people to be around. With superior intelligence and dedication, Librans show exceptional leadership skills in their areas of expertise. At times, these people can become a little too much easy-going and laid-back.

Librans are honest people who believe in meaningful social connections. Further, they are tactful and diplomatic in groups and relationships. So, they make natural peacemakers at all levels. Other character traits of Librans include a strong sense of justice, an idealistic attitude, and a great sense of humor.

Filmography and biography of the artist named Hans Cossy. Actor from many movies and series worth seeing.

Movies Hans Cossy

Honeybun - or How Do I Tell My Daughter?Herzblatt oder wie sag' ich's meiner Tochter?, character Kaplan
Alle Reichtümer der Weltcharacter Benjamin Tenard
Der Tag des Zornescharacter Ein Widerstandskämpfer Die Gentlemen baten zur Kassecharacter Patrick Kinsey
Karl Sandcharacter Pfarrer Karbach
In einer fremden Stadtcharacter Toss
Black GravelSchwarzer Kies, character John Gaines
The Haunted CastleDas Spukschloss im Spessart Instinkt ist allescharacter Frampton
Der Engel, der seine Harfe versetztecharacter Mr. Haverkamp
Wo war David Preston?character David Preston
Admiral Bobbycharacter Steuermann Croft Der Teufel mit den drei goldenen Haarencharacter König Der grüne Kakaducharacter Balthasar It Happened on July 20thEs geschah am 20. Juli Die Bauernpassioncharacter Obrist
Alraunecharacter Mathieu
Das Geheimnis der roten Katze

Tv shows Hans Cossy

Von Null Uhr Eins bis Mitternachtcharacter Robert Jones
Space PatrolRaumpatrouille - Die phantastischen Abenteuer des Raumschiffes Orion, character Marshall Kublai-Krim Die Gentlemen bitten zur Kassecharacter Patrick Kinsey
Das Kriminalmuseumcharacter Herr Maraun
Es geschah an der Grenzecharacter Zollgrenzkommissar Zeisler

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