
Yuji Kishimoto

Birthday: July 31st 1970
Birthplace: Naha, Okinawa
(actors born on July 31st)

Actor Yuji Kishimoto is most famous for roles in movies Mechanical Violator Hakaider as Ryo / Hakaider and Junk as Nakada.

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Yuji Kishimoto was born in Naha, Okinawa on July 31st 1970, so he/she was born under the sign of Leo. Whether it had an effect on the actor's film and series career is a question, but it is certain that acting is a demanding career that needs a lot of diligence and also a little luck. How many Yuji Kishimoto movies and series have you seen? You can quickly find it in the Movies and TV shows lists below. And finally, you can explore which other actor or actress also has a birthday today.

Yuji Kishimoto was born under the sign of Leo (July 23 – August 22)

People with the Leo Zodiac sign are well-known for loyalty and hard-working nature. Their high confidence levels make them natural leaders. Lion-hearted is the best phrase to describe Leos. In addition, these people are fully energetic and inspire others to stay motivated all the time.

With a powerful and courageous mind, they want to achieve everything they apply their minds to. Leos are compassionate people and generous of time, respect, and money. Their authoritative nature and self-assurance give them the courage to express their ideas without hesitation. Leo natives may get upset if they don’t receive the same generosity and devotion from others.

Filmography and biography of the artist named Yuji Kishimoto. Actor from many movies and series worth seeing.

Movies Yuji Kishimoto

Yoko Namino: On Special Assignment特命女子アナ 並野容子 Unification of Shura修羅の統一 Unification of Shura: Final Edition修羅の統一 完結編 Yakuza Legacy千年の松 Road to New Don 4新・首領(ドン)への道4
Road to New Don 3新・首領(ドン)への道3
Love Your Neighbor隣人ポータビリティ, character Koji 白竜 シノギの報酬Ⅱ
白竜 シノギの報酬
Hakuro no Shibijin白蝋の死美人, character Tetsurô Izawa
極悪 人間魚雷ブルース
Pickpocketスリ Kizu Blood Apocalypse 5疵(きず)5 血の黙示録 Thug Business Worker Sabuごろつき稼業 仕事人サブ JunkJUNK, character Nakada
Organized Violence Bloody Honor 2組織暴力 流血の仁義2 Organized Violence: Blood for Blood 2組織暴力 流血の抗争2 Organized Violence Bloody Honor組織暴力 流血の仁義 Organized Violence: Blood for Blood組織暴力 流血の抗争
Heisei Zankeiden: The Lion Roars!平成 残 侠伝 獅子 が 突く !
Steel & Lead鉄と鉛, character 金光 Be-Bop High School 12BE-BOP HIGHSCHOOL 高校与太郎子連れ狼篇 Be-Bop High School 11BE-BOP HIGHSCHOOL 愛徳VS城東 代理戦争篇 Be-Bop High School 10BE-BOP-HIGHSCHOOL ヤリ逃げ人生けもの道篇 Be-Bop High School 9BE-BOP-HIGHSCHOOL 停学野郎繁盛記篇 Be-Bop High School 8BE-BOP-HIGHSCHOOL 先輩番長純情篇 Be-Bop High School 7BE-BOP-HIGHSCHOOL 極道の娘バトルロイヤル篇 The King of Kita: Roar of Darknessキタの帝王 闇の咆哮
Be-Bop High School 6BE-BOP-HIGHSCHOOL 6 ハッタリ野郎暴走篇 Be-Bop High School 5BE-BOP-HIGHSCHOOL 5 舎弟番長デビュー篇 Be-Bop High School 4BE-BOP-HIGHSCHOOL 4 不良人生摩訶不思議 Be-Bop High School 3BE-BOP-HIGHSCHOOL 3 不良少年人生問答 Be-Bop High School 2BE-BOP-HIGHSCHOOL 2 青春野郎白昼夢 Be-Bop High School 1BE-BOP-HIGHSCHOOL 1 舌先三寸歩武堂々 The New King of Kita新・キタの帝王
Mechanical Violator Hakaider人造人間ハカイダー, character Ryo / Hakaider Broken Heart大失恋。
用心坊 極道狩り Be-Bop High Schoolビー・バップ・ハイスクール

Tv shows Yuji Kishimoto

古谷一行の名探偵・金田一耕助シリーズcharacter Tetsurō Izawa

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