
Eimi Gloria Matsudo

Birthday: February 21st 1994
Birthplace: London, England
(actors born on February 21st)

Actress Eimi Gloria Matsudo is most famous for roles in movie Ice Ribbon New Ice Ribbon #902 ~ Ryogoku KFC Ribbon as Giulia. Also starred in tv show Stardom on Stardom World.

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Eimi Gloria Matsudo was born in London, England on February 21st 1994, so he/she was born under the sign of Pisces. Whether it had an effect on the actor's film and series career is a question, but it is certain that acting is a demanding career that needs a lot of diligence and also a little luck. How many Eimi Gloria Matsudo movies and series have you seen? You can quickly find it in the Movies and TV shows lists below. And finally, you can explore which other actor or actress also has a birthday today.

Eimi Gloria Matsudo was born under the sign of Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisceans are creative people with an artistic bent of mind. Naturally, these people are highly emotional, sensitive, and romantic. These character traits help them excel in creative writing, music, acting, dance, and other similar art forms. Pisces natives care for others to keep people around them happy.

These people stay loyal and devoted to their families. Pisceans revel in spontaneity and often go with the flow. In addition, these people prioritize the needs of others and put their desires on the back burner. Pisces is often called the most sensitive zodiac sign. So, people born under this sign crave love and adoration from partners.

Filmography and biography of the artist named Eimi Gloria Matsudo. Actress from many movies and series worth seeing.

Movies Eimi Gloria Matsudo

NJPW: Battle In The Valleycharacter Giulia
Impact Wrestling x NJPW Multiverse United 2: For Whom The Bell Tollscharacter Giulia Stardom: Allstar Grand Queendom 2023character Giulia Stardom In Showcase Vol. 4character Giulia Stardom Supreme Fight 2023character Giulia
Stardom Dream Queendom 2022character Giulia NJPWxSTARDOM: Historic X-Overcharacter Giulia Stardom Gold Rushcharacter Giulia Stardom 5STAR Grand Prix 2022: Championship Battlecharacter Giulia Stardom Flashing Championsスターダム点滅チャンピオン, character Giulia Stardom Golden Week Fight Tourスターダムゴールデンウィークファイトツアー, character Giulia Stardom World Climax 2022- Night 2character Giulia Stardom World Climax 2022- Night 1character Giulia Stardom Cinderella Journey In Nagaoka 2022character Giulia Stardom New Year Stars 2022 - Night 3
Stardom Dream Queendomスターダムドリームクイーンダム, character Herself NJPW Wrestle Grand Slam in MetLife Dome: Night 2character Giulia Stardom Yokohama Dream Cinderella 2021 in Summerの横浜ドリームシンデレラ2021 STARDOM Tokyo Dream Cinderella 2021character Giulia Stardom Yokohama Dream Cinderella 2021 in Spring Stardom 10th Anniversary ~Hinamatsuri All-Star Dream Cinderellaスターダムオールスタードリームシンデレラ
Stardom Osaka Dream Cinderellacharacter Giulia Stardom Sendai Cinderellacharacter Giulia Stardom Yokohama Cinderellacharacter Giulia Stardom Cinderella Tournament 2020
Ice Ribbon New Ice Ribbon #906 Ice Ribbon New Ice Ribbon #902 ~ Ryogoku KFC Ribboncharacter Giulia

Tv shows Eimi Gloria Matsudo

Stardom on Samurai! TVcharacter Giulia Stardom on Stardom Worldスターダム・ワールドのスターダム

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