★ 75%
Chloé Astor
Actress Chloé Astor is most famous for roles in movies By the Grace of God as TV Reporter, Comment c'est loin as Arielle and Delicious as La maîtresse du duc. Also starred in tv show Capitaine Marleau.
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Filmography and biography of the artist named Chloé Astor. Actress from many movies and series worth seeing.
Chloé Astor was born in on , so he/she was born under the sign of . Whether it had an effect on the actor's film and series career is a question, but it is certain that acting is a demanding career that needs a lot of diligence and also a little luck. How many Chloé Astor movies and series have you seen? You can quickly find it in the Movies and TV shows lists below. And finally, you can explore which other actor or actress also has a birthday today.
Movies Chloé Astor
Pimp My BrideL'heureuse élue
A Ferris Wheel in the DesertUne grande roue au milieu du désert, character Fanchon (voice)
The Green PerfumeLe Parfum vert, character L'assistante du galeriste
Little SolangePetite Solange, character Gina
Kitchen BrigadeLa Brigade, character Lyna Deletto
DeliciousDélicieux, character The Duke's Mistress
So That Nothing ChangesPour que rien ne change, character Marie
Mozebcharacter Léa
La Robecharacter Jeanne Delage
By the Grace of GodGrâce à Dieu, character TV Reporter
King of the Wind DemonsLe Roi des démons du vent, character Sophie Menahem
The Apple of My EyeLa Prunelle de mes yeux, character Marina
Comment c'est loincharacter Arielle