
Ludwika Paleta

Birthday: November 29th 1978
Birthplace: Krakow, Poland
(actors born on November 29th)

Actress Ludwika Paleta is most famous for roles in movies ¿Quieres ser mi hijo?, War of Likes as Cecy Díaz and Tequila Re-Pasado as Taylor. Also starred in tv shows Daughter from Another Mother as Ana, La Querida del Centauro as Yolanda Acosta and Amigas y rivales as Jimena de la O Terán.

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Ludwika Paleta was born in Krakow, Poland on November 29th 1978, so he/she was born under the sign of Sagittarius. Whether it had an effect on the actor's film and series career is a question, but it is certain that acting is a demanding career that needs a lot of diligence and also a little luck. How many Ludwika Paleta movies and series have you seen? You can quickly find it in the Movies and TV shows lists below. And finally, you can explore which other actor or actress also has a birthday today.

Ludwika Paleta was born under the sign of Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarians are outgoing, vibrant, and optimistic people. They get along with people in a group or party easily. This character makes them the center of attraction wherever they go. The persuasion skills of these people can be termed excellent. When it comes to relationships, people born under the Sagittarius zodiac sign stay loyal and committed.

It is hard to find more reliable people than Sagittarius natives. Further, they are kind and compassionate with a profound sense of individuality. However, they have a tendency to revolt against those who are in power. It may lead to professional conflicts. Overall, Sagittarians are known as intellectual, honest, and optimistic people.

Filmography and biography of the artist named Ludwika Paleta. Actress from many movies and series worth seeing.

Movies Ludwika Paleta

ThereafterDespués, character Carmen A Circus Tale & A Love SongUn Cuento de Circo & A Love Song, character Aura Weeding NightNoche de Bodas, character Lucía
Tequila Re-Pasadocharacter Taylor All the SilenceTodo el silencio, character Lola ¿Quieres ser mi hijo?
War of LikesGuerra de Likes, character Cecy Díaz
Tell Me WhenDime cuando tú, character Self
Modern LovesAmores Modernos
Parallel CoursesRumbos paralelos, character Gaby
Flying lowVolando bajo, character Toribia Venegas There and ThenAllá y en Tonces, character Marina I Don't Know Whether to Slit My Wrists or Leave Them LongNo sé si cortarme las venas o dejármelas largas, character Nora
The Book of StoneEl Libro de Piedra, character Mariana
Propiedad Ajenacharacter Miranda Samano Angel DustPolvo de ángel, character Bella de la Luz
Corazón de melón Seis días en la oscuridad

Tv shows Ludwika Paleta

Bellas artescharacter Anka Podorowska
Silent CargoOperación Marea Negra, character Quesada
Daughter from Another MotherMadre solo hay dos, character Ana
La Querida del CentauroLa querida del Centauro, character Yolanda Acosta
Abyss of PassionAbismo de pasión, character Estefanía Bouvier
Los Exitosos Perezcharacter Soledad "Sol" Duarte de Pérez
Palabra de Mujercharacter Paulina Álvarez y Junco Navarro
Duelo de Pasionescharacter Alina Montellano Fuentes/Flor del Campo
Mujer de Maderacharacter Aída Santibáñez Villalpando
Niña Amada Míacharacter Carolina
Amigas y rivalescharacter Jimena de la O Terán
HurricaneHuracán, character Norma Vargaslugo
María la del Barriocharacter Tita
El abuelo y yocharacter Alejandra Díaz-Uribe Irigoyen
Carruselcharacter María Joaquina Villaseñor

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